The first thing that strikes me about the upcoming Williamsburg City Council election is that none of the five candidates is awful..
That's unusual.
In a mutli-candidate race like this, you'd usually have at least one candidate whom only his mother or a crackhead would vote for.
This year, however, one can see any of these candidates serving with distinction on council. Which isn't to say they are are all on the same page. Each brings different strenghs to the table. And since two seats are up for grabs, various combinations of candidates might play out very differently.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Punch your ticket in City Council race
Posted by Virginia Pundit at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: city council, May 2010 election, Williamsburg
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hey Buddy, Can You Spare 5 to 10 in the Federal Pen?
The next big battle in Washington in heating up.
And, as they have since January, Republicans are ready to "just say no." They should probably re-think that plan.
Because this fight won't be over providing access to health insurance, which could be characterized as "helping poor people," although it actually benefits everyone. You can always drum up some opposition to helping the poor in America.
The coming battle will be over punishing the bankers, traders and Wall Street fat cats whose greed and dishonesty almost threw us into a second Great Depression. And, so far, the GOP has come down firmly on the side of the bad guys. In a letter to President Barack Obama, every Republican member of the House and Senate declined to support financial reform legislation backed by the president.
You'd think Republicans would have learned something from the first Great Depression, when Herbert Hoover sided with the folks who'd caused the crash and handed Washington over to the Democrats for a generation.
The Great Depression also created a long-standing distrust of Wall Street and the financial system among working class and middle class Americans.
My Dad, a Depression baby, used to tell me that the stock market was just a scam to fleece the little guy for the profit of the big guys.
Turns out he was right.
Posted by Virginia Pundit at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2010 elections, Financial reforms, Tea Party, Wall Street
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hey Bob, stop whistling Dixie.
But, look, that's okay. It's a tough economy. Everybody understands that.

But the fixed-the-budget-without-raising taxes claim is close enough for politics. Particularly on televsion news.
So if that's why people were talking about Virginia today, you'd be in clover. You'd have to start listening to all those people are who are lining up to tell you, "Yes, you can" in 2012's national elections.
But Bob, that's not why people are talking about Virginia.
They're talking abuot the damned Civil War again.
Posted by Virginia Pundit at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bob McDonnell, Civil War, gay rights, Ken Cuccinelli
Monday, April 5, 2010
Virginia: Bursting with Energy?
The governor was commenting on a ruling by the Obama administration which might lead to drillling for oil and natural gas off Virginia's coast.
Posted by Virginia Pundit at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bob McDonnell, energy, natural gas, oil, transportation, Virginia